Stop Searching.
Start Hiring
Browse our curated network of highly-skilled creatives to find the best services to build your business!
Copywriting and Translation
Graphic Design
Videography/Video Editing
CGI Rendering
Web Design & Development
Social Media Management
And More Coming Soon...
Are you a business looking to outsource freelance work and don’t know where to begin? Are you a Chabad freelance creative looking to market yourself for more job opportunities? CH Creative makes it simple.
A place for self employed folks to connect with businesses through a network of top-tier talent.
Stop Searching. Start Hiring.
”Ch Creative has opened up the door for me to network with all kinds of businesses and has been instrumental in gaining me more work opportunities! I’m incredibly grateful for this service and highly recommend to fellow freelancers looking to make those connections.”
— Sholom G, Creative
Step 1
Browse Our Directory of Industry Creatives
Explore our curated array of profiles from trusted freelancers across a broad span of creative fields.
Step 2
Work With Hand-Selected Talent
Pick a freelancer who best suits your needs and reach out to contact them directly.
Step 3
The Perfect Match, Guaranteed
Work 1-on-1 with your new team member to create beautiful projects with the right talent. It’s really that easy!

Get in Touch
Whether you have a question about our platform, want to offer your freelance services, or just want to say hello, we’d love to hear from you!